Fairy Tail Chapter 487 Thoughts and Discussions

So from now on I’m going to do a discussion thing about each chapter of Fairy Tail (I’m going to do this with One Piece and Attack On Titan too). I may also just do random predictions and theories too. 

There will be spoilers!!!! Read at your own risk!!

Okay. So firstly. 

Gajeel and Levy have become practically canon?? Gajeel has admitted that he ‘fell’ for Levy, and it’s been obvious that Levy has had a crush on Gajeel all this time, plus she stated she had only come to save him. 

This alone has made any GaLe fangirls really excited, like me! I was spamming my friends about my excitement when I read the chapter.

However, is the ship going to die? From Zervis (one of my OTPS) that has been one of the only ships to actually be canon, there is always a possibility that GaLe will die as well. Maybe, like with Zervis, one of them is going to die. Or maybe both will die. Or maybe they will never get together. Honestly, Mashima, don’t make a ship canon and then kill it right afterwards! 

The next chapter is called ‘The Two of Us Together, Forever and Always.’ I’m sure the next chapter is going to be about Gajeel and Levy again, so maybe they’re going to be completely canon and admit their love for each other?! But then I also think there’s a chance that they may end up in the Underworld together…

Another thing is that, after one of the long-awaited ships has finally become canon, it means Fairy Tail might be ending soon. I’m sure none of us want this to happen, but if GaLe is already pretty much canon, Nalu, Jerza, Gruvia (and other ships) will probably also become canon soon and then it will mean the end is drawing nearer. 

Okay, that’s all I have to say about this chapter! I can’t wait until the next. If you have also read this chapter and have any thoughts on it, please comment! 

– L

Daily Lives of High School Boys

This anime series is exactly what the title says. It’s about the daily lives of typical high school boys. It mainly follows the story of Tadakuni, Yoshitake and Hidenori, who are some boys that love roleplays on the way to school, like telling ‘ghost stories’ which all turn out be extremely lame, like getting up to mischief such as wearing girls’ underwear and clothes, or just fooling around in general. It also shows some other boys from their school (such as those in the student council) and what sort of things they get up to. 

This anime is hilarious and is certain to crack you up at some point. I would definitely recommend if you want a laugh, or just something to cheer you up!

A – Z About Me Tag (Lynette)

Hello! It’s Lynette here! So I’m here to do this tag because it looks fun. I think from reading this you’ll get what the tag is, if you haven’t heard of it before.

A – Age: 13. Yes I’m also pretty young, like my friends.

B – Book I’m currently reading: Crown of Midnight, which is part of the Throne of Glass series. I’ve pretty much only started so I don’t know what to think of it yet.

C – Chore you hate: Tidying up? It takes so long and is the most boring thing in the world.

D – Dessert you love: Um. Apple pie. Banoffee pie. Apple strudel. Butterscotch tart. (No I’m not deliberately doing A,B,A,B) Crumble and cream. Cake. Any cake. Especially cream cake. Ice cream. Everything else. I love desserts in general. 

E – Essential start your day item: Duh, phone. I wake up, go on my phone and check all my social media apps and stuff. That’s my favourite way to start the day anyway. 

F – Favourite Author/Book: Honestly I don’t have one. Authors have such different and unique writing styles it’s hard to compare them. Same with books. They’re too different to compare.

G – Gold or Silver: That’s actually kind of hard. I like both, although in the end I think I’m going to go for silver. 

H – Height: About 1.6m – ish, I’m not too sure, I haven’t checked for ages. Keep in mind the fact that I’m 13, so I’m not some tiny 18 year old. I’m pretty much slightly taller than average for my age.

I – Instruments I play: Piano. Viola. I’ve played the drums before but I didn’t like them much, although at the time I thought they would be cool. I’ve played the piano for longest and started viola about a couple years ago.

J – Job title: Student?

K – Kids: 100, and they’re all named after me :). No I’m only 13, I’d be slightly worried if I already had kids.

L – Living arrangements: I live in my family house. 

M – Most overused word/phrase in my vocabulary: For a time being it was ‘if you insist’ but right now I don’t really know. I love saying ‘mkay’ recently though.

N – Nicknames: Linny, or on some occasions, Lyn (although I really only have one friend who sometimes calls me Lyn). Sometimes my friends refer to me as stuff like ‘idiot’ but that’s what friends do, and it’s not really a nickname so I’m not going to take it in a bad way.

O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: None.

P – Pet peeve: People jiggling their legs (I’m looking at you, Vibha) and also people who chew loudly in public. They annoy me so much.

Q – Quotes I like: Too many to name.

R – Right or left handed: Right-handed. I’m training myself to become ambidextrous though, although I don’t know if it’s possible to teach myself to be able to use both hands. It would be a lot easier if I could use both hands though. 

S – Siblings: Two brothers. One is older and annoying and hits me a lot, whilst my younger one is a computer-addicted, also annoying, little kid.

T – Time I woke up today: About 9. But that’s because I was going out today, otherwise I probably would have only gotten up at 12pm.

U – Unique thing about me: I wish I could say I have one, but I can’t think of anything that unique about me right now (although I’m not a boring person I promise) Uh maybe because I’m just who I am, as each person is unique in themselves?? (If that makes sense) I’m sorry I can’t think of anything right now. 

V – Vegetable I love: ….. is that even possible to have one?

W – Worst habit: Doing homework in bed. Sitting in bed on my phone in positions really bad for my neck (I have a terrible neck as well.) Procrastinating. 

X – X-Rays I’ve had: Probably a few when I was younger but I can only remember one which was for my neck last year. 

Y – Yummy food I make: EVERYTHING. No I don’t know how to cook much yet, although my family loves my sausage rolls? I tried Danish pastries once but they failed drastically, although they still tasted kinda good.

Z – Zodiac Sign: Virgo. I fit some Virgo descriptions, but I’m not a huge clean freak or someone really serious and stuff which some of them say although I am pretty shy. I don’t think people’s personalities or love lives can be determined by when you were born anyway, but zodiac signs are interesting.
I’m probably meant to tag some people but I honestly don’t know who (I don’t really go looking at other people’s blogs often, sorry) so I’m going to have to leave it, but if you feel like doing this then you can!

– L

Thursday Tracks 2/6/16 – #5

Ok, so, yesterday I went back through some of my old Thursday Tracks and I realised something: I promised you guys an extra special many weeks ago, and completely forgot. Problem is, I also promised you (and Vibha) that this week she would be helping. I had a very deep and meaningful Thursday Tracks planned. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to write an extra long double one for all our wonderful readers!

(A short note: This blog is doing so much better than we expected, and every time I look at the stats I get a (pleasant) shock. Everyone who has read our posts, liked, commented and followed, you’re all amazing and I love you all so much)

So, I’ll start off with what I was trying to do when it deleted. I was going to use the same songs that it came up with but I can’t remember them so I’ll find some new ones.

As I can’t think of a song that I haven’t already used to sum up my week (this will probably happen more and more often- be warned) I’m going to take my playlist on Spotify and hit shuffle play. Then, I’ll take the first 3 songs that come up and choose a favourite. Let’s go!

(Before we start, can I ask if anyone else has been experiencing their Spotify doing weird things when on Shuffle? When I say weird, let me show you what I mean. I’ve been having many laughs over these:

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Anyone else’s Spotify doing that? Or is it just mine…)

So, time for some Spotify shuffle play. Are you ready?

Song 1: Who’s Laughing Now by Jessie J

Song 2: Love Me Like You by Little Mix

Song 3: Kiss Me Kiss Me by 5sos

Ok, so, Who’s Laughing Now is a song that I loved when it came out. My friend and I made countless music videos, dance routines and even entered the chop talent show with it. However, since then I’ve started to lose my love for it a little. I still like it a lot, but there are better songs out there.

Love Me Like You is just 👌. I love that song so much. And the music video ❤️💛💚💙💜! It’s so catchy too!

And Kiss Me Kiss Me is also sooooooo catchy. I think out of all these songs that one is probably my favourite.

I know this was a little random (and shorter than I hoped- I’m going out for dinner now) but I hope you enjoyed it! Please like, comment and follow (and please read the rest of this too!)!!!!!!

Now I wanna look at something more serious. I did a car boot sale the other day, and I got chatting to the little girl at the stall next to me. She (like little kids do) was talking about just completely random subjects. After a while she picked up the cardigan she was sitting on and asked me to guess who’s it was. She told me it wasn’t hers or her mum’s. So I guessed grandma’s, and she said

“No, it’s my aunts. Even though she’s dead apparently. Cancer.”

She pulled a face on the last word, and it just made me really sad that someone young like that had lost someone to cancer, especially as I lost my great aunt (I didn’t really know her well and she was ill for a long time but it was still sad).

And then Vibha was talking about an MCR song (I can’t remember which one) about cancer, and so I decided we should do something serious on cancer. First I’m gonna raise some awareness for a Taylor Swift songs about cancer, and then Vibha can look at her song. This seems kinda pointless, but please, if you’re reading this, do something to help. Whether you buy Taylor Swift’s song (all proceeds go to finding a cure for children’s cancer), donate some money or do something a little hands on, please. Let’s stop cancer together.

So, Taylor Swift’s song is called Ronan. It’s a heartbreaking song based on a true story. There was a little boy called Ronan who developed cancer. His mother kept a blog called Rockstar Ronan about the struggles they were going through, and to raise awareness. Poor Ronan died 3 days before he turned 4.

Taylor read the blog and then wrote this song using quotes from it, to raise awareness. All the proceeds from the song go to finding a cure to children’s cancer.

I listened to the song and read the blog and I’m not ashamed to say that I cried. I cried for the little boy who never got to experience the world. I cried for the parents who never got to see their son grow old. I cried for the little sister born after Ronan died, who is still too young to know what happened to him, and draws pictures for him and asks when she can meet him.

Cancer not only takes the person’s life, it takes their future, and often their family and friend’s happiness with it.

Please, listen to the song and read the blog, and raise awareness and help this worthy cause.

My song is called Cancer by My Chemical Romance. Now I didn’t know what Mia wanted me to do for today’s Thursday Tracks, she just told me to read the draft and I’d know what to do. Coincidentally, my mum signed me up for Race for Life a few days back. For those of you who don’t know, Race for Life is basically a run to raise money for cancer. I’m terrible at running and I’m super unfit, but it’s for a good cause so :).

This is a really old song, and it doesn’t have an official music video, but if you watch the Youtube link above, you’ll see that someone has put together a random commercial to fit the lyrics to the song. The lyrics to the song are really sweet, do listen to it. And although the video is just a commercial, if you look past that you see a little girl with an older brother, who has cancer. His hair has fallen out, so when the girl is left alone, she cuts all her hair off, to give it to her brother. It’s really sweet, because she thinks that by giving him her hair, he will be cured, he will be alright, but it’s not that simple 😦

Thanks for reading! We know that post was slightly depressing, but Thursday Tracks is one of the only opportunities we have to talk about non-bookish related topics on our blog. 🙂


Thursday Quotables – Thursday 02 June + Cursed Child Updates

Hi all! It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for our second Thursday Quotables. Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies, where you share a quote from the book you’re currently reading. Now I haven’t done one of these in a long time – it’s been more than a month since I last did one…

At the moment I’m currently at that stage when you finish a book and don’t know what to read next. I was planning to read Hollow City, and I went through a couple of chapters, but I just didn’t really get into it. I think I might either try Victoria Schwab’s A Gathering of Shadows, or A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray next. What do you think I should read?

Since I’m not really reading anything at this particular time, I thought I’d share a couple of quotes with you from the quotes on my wall.


“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.”

– J.K Rowling

It’s not a quote from any book, but it’s a really nice quote. I like it – it shows that although we may not live in Harry’s world, around magic, we can still imagine for the better.

“To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”

– Cassandra Clare

This is so deep. It’s a Jace Herondale quote, but you see, it kinda hints at Will. Will knew that for him  ‘to love is to destroy’ because of his curse. So…Cassandra Clare 🙂

“To really be a nerd, she’d decided, you had to prefer fictional worlds to the real one.

-Rainbow Rowell

Ha, I think I picked this quote because lets be honest, is there any bookworm who doesn’t want to live in fiction? I think not. 🙂

The main fictional world I want to live in is Hogwarts, and most people say that when they were 11 they never got a letter from Hogwarts, but when I was 11, I actually sent a letter to J.K Rowling, and I got a reply back. Obviously it wasn’t from JK herself, only some of the people working in Bloomsbury, but I was still really happy!

However, I definitely didn’t get my Hogwarts letter, but there’s still a chance left for a satyr to take me to Camp Half-Blood or for me to have the Sight. I just need to wait until I’m sixteen and you never know – mwahahaha the perks of being young.

It’s not gonna happen is it.

Cursed Child Update

Okay, this is the last day Pottermore will be releasing images of the main actors in character. On Tuesday we had Ginny, Harry and Albus Severus, yesterday we had Ron, Hermione and Rose and today’s characters are…

Draco and Scorpius Malfoy! I guessed right!

What do you think?

I’m gonna say straight off that I don’t like it. Nope, just no. Malfoy is just asdfgh no. And Scorpius is okay but it’s nothing like I imagineddddd ugh.

Well, if Scorose becomes canon, then I think I might forgive them.

Or if Scorpius gets sorted into Gryffindor. That would make me happy.

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed this post! Tell me what you think about my quotes and the Cursed Child cast! What do you think I should read next?



Cover Comparison + Cursed Child Updates

I absolutely love looking at book covers, and despite the saying ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, I’m pretty sure I’ve judged many books by its cover. Today I’m going to compare the first edition covers of some books, with other editions – it could be an international cover, a different edition, or even a fan made cover. These are just some of my absolute favourites!

Cress by Marissa Meyer

So one of the covers as you can see is the original cover for Cress, the third book in The Lunar Chronicles series. I really like this cover, it’s really pretty and totally relevant to the story too, what with the long-haired Rapunzel figure sitting on the floor. But then you see the French edition. Idk why but ever since I first saw that cover I have been obsessed with it. It’s so, so, so pretty!! It’s way more eye catching than the original. It has an amazing galaxy in the back (I love galaxies) and Cress herself seems so much more amazing, you know? It’s just soooo beautiful! I want the French edition…*fangirls* 🙂

Winter by Marissa Meyer

Okay, seeing as we spoke about Cress in the previous paragraph, obviously I had to mention another one of my favourites in Marissa Meyer’s books – Winter. Winter is the last book, and the original cover is also stunning, but look at the Vietnamese cover!!! Okay, you may say they look super similar, but the Vietnamese one is soooo much nicer! And you can even see a reflection of a girl in the apple, although I’m not sure who that girl is as she certainly isn’t Winter. It’s just so nice and sparkly, and blue and aahhhh! I also love the font much better than the original font – the Vietnamese covers for all the TLC books use this font and personally I think it’s way more attractive.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Okay so I’m not sure if the original cover is the original original cover as I’m pretty sure there is another one, but this is the one I have so let’s just stick with it. I really don’t like it, the original. Who’s that girl at the top listening to music? Because it isn’t Eleanor, for sure. She’s way too skinny to be Eleanor – and the whole point of Eleanor is that she isn’t a stereotypical skinny girl!!! Ugh. Annoying. I like this other cover though (credits to the unnamed source – it’s amazing). It looks way more attractive and even fits the book better. I’m guessing the Converses are Park, coz Eleanor wears Vans, and that crazy mop of hair at the top is Eleanor. See – it fits.

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Okay, last but not least, let’s take a look at the City of Bones original edition and the German edition. If I’m honest, I like both of them the same. But they seriously messed up the rest of the English editions – I mean the one you see above the first edition (I think?) is perfectly fine. Then you see the newer covers, the ones with the massive font and ugly colours. Ah I hate I!


Just no.

 But back to the German cover, I really like it! It gives the sense that the book is this intriguing fantasy with all these magical creatures. It looks awesome, although I’m not too sure about those birds – what even are they?

Cursed Child Updates

So if you saw my review on Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children yesterday, you would’ve seen the pictures released of the Potter family, i.e Harry, Ginny and Albus Severus Potter. It was awesome. Well, today Pottermore has released the images of the Granger-Weasley family (yes they combined names!!), including Ron (Paul Thornley), Hermione (Noma Dumezwini) and Rose (Cherelle Skeete).

How awesome does it look!!! It’s perfect, I’m sooo excited about the play, even though I haven’t even got any tickets (*whispers furiously in hope it will make everything true* You will get tickets, Vibha, you will.) I’m fangirling so hard, it’s perfecttttt.

I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about Noma Dumezwini being Hermione, because in my opinion she’s perfect for the role! It’s a nice change, and it doesn’t matter that she looks nothing like Emma Watson!

The third and final release of photos will be out tomorrow, and it will show two more wizarding characters of importance to the story. I’m hoping it will be the Malfoy family – because then maybe they may drop a hint that Scorose might become canon…*fingers crossed*.

Oh, and if you read our blog on the website, rather than on WP Reader, you would’ve seen that our little Cursed Child countdown widget says exactly 60 days – 2 months – until the 31st July!!! We’re getting ever closer to the big day!

Hope you enjoyed this post! I may do another cover comparison, only a negative one, with bad covers, coz why not :). However, I’ve made many such promises in the past, saying that ‘I’ll do another such post very shortly’ and then never done it, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high…speaking of which I should probably write all those posts I promised in the past, shouldn’t I? Whoops.

Another note – we won’t be doing the Monthly Wrap Up, TBR or Anticipated Reads this June, as it is a meme all three of us like to do together, and right now Lynette is quite busy, so we’ll miss it out for this month. Also we’ve been tagged for a whole bunch of tags and awards, so we’ll post them as well when Lynette’s back. 🙂

Anyways, tell me what you think of those covers. Are they nicer than the original? Do you have your own personal favourites? And also what do you think about the Cursed Child cast?


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Book Review + Exciting Cursed Child News

imageMiss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Series: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Genre: Fantasy, YA

Publisher: Quirk

Pages: 352

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Read if you like: Parallel universes, magical abilities, made-up creatures, different time zones

Goodreads Summary

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of curious photographs.

A horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive.

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar children was an interesting read… I’m always quite cautious of over-hyped books, as they tend to let me down quite often, and if I’m honest, this wasn’t as amazing as some reviews make it out to be. Needless to say I’m glad I read it and I will definitely try out the sequel, however there is a lot of criticism I have…

I think the first thing I will have to address is of course the unique format of the book. Ransom Riggs, the author, is a collector of old photographs, so he naturally incorporated some of the snapshots he found through his story. They were really interesting – unlike any other book with illustrations or pictures in it. It wasn’t one of those books which have illustrations just to make it more appealing – these photographs actually had a part in the story, they played a role in the novel just as much as the words did.

Another thing which I was worried about before I started the book was the ‘scary’ aspect of the book. I hate horror books and movies, I can get creeped out really easily, and this cover did give across the message that this would be a slightly frightening book, what with the black and white imagery and the focus on a creepy girl floating. Looks can be deceiving – this really wasn’t a frightening book at all. Sure, the characters did have some abnormal, fantastical powers but they weren’t ‘scary’. If I’m honest, I’m not sure why they chose that cover. Sure, the girl in the centre is a character in the book, but she isn’t a particularly major character who plays a meaningful role in the story. So basically – don’t judge this book by it’s cover. It’s not a very good cover for this book, they don’t fit each other too well.

I’m going to talk about the characters now. I didn’t really like any of them, if I’m honest. They were kinda flat and stereotypical – I didn’t really feel much personality coming from them. If I was asked to describe a character, for example Jacob, then I wouldn’t really have much to say except for what is stated in the book itself – that he was brave and selfless. But that’s what the author wants us to think of Jacob, and if I’m honest, I thought he was quite a weak character who relied more on others than himself. He came across as quite arrogant and self-pitying to me – being all whiney despite the fact that his parents were rich and provided pretty much everything to him. I just really didn’t like him. The only character who seemed moderately ‘okay’ was Emma, and even she wasn’t that great. She didn’t have too much personality either – other authors can make their characters so vivid and three-dimensional, which Ransom Riggs failed to deliver.

Another thing about the characters which I didn’t like was this – there were just too many! You know that feeling when an author introduces way too many characters all at once, and you struggle to know who is who? That’s exactly what happened here. And not only did you have to remember their names, but you also had to remember which person had which peculiar ability.

One thing that Ransom Riggs did manage to do well, which you don’t really find in YA books these days, was quite an advanced and sophisticated writing style. My friend, who reads classics more than any other genre, was complaining to me the other day about how YA books lack in any real writing ‘flair’. YA is my favourite genre, so of course I was quick to defend it, but I have to say I do agree with her a little. Some books have amazing plots and imaginative settings, yet the writing itself is quite simple and un-amazing. However, I really liked Ransom Riggs’ style – it was much more descriptive and detailed than most YA books, and that was something that kept me reading on.

The plot itself felt quite unplanned – everything seemed to just be written around a set of intriguing, old pictures – therefore making the plot quite random, if that makes any sense? And on top of that it was really slow. Nothing much happened in the first half of the book, except for Jacob discovering the Peculiar world. Only half way through the book did we learn about the hollowgasts and the wights, the ‘villains’ of the book, yet nothing much happened, except for the fact that Jacob learnt about them and their past, and saw some frightening pictures of them. So the real action of the story happened pretty late in the book, by which time I’m sure a lot of people probably just put the book down.

However when action DID happen, it was pretty good, and I liked it. I like the whole concept of hollowgasts and wights wanting to finish off what they started, with only some inexperienced 80-something-year old children to defeat them. It seems like one of those stories where the ‘good’ side is bound to lose, when all of a sudden the author will pull something out of the hat and shock all the readers. Considering what happened so far in the book, and how slow it was, something REALLY amazing needs to happen in order to shock me as a reader, but I’ll wait and see, I’m intrigued to see the fate of the peculiars.

Finally before I finish I want to quickly talk about the romance in the book. There wasn’t really much in it – and if I’m honest the little romance there was didn’t really seem very necessary – it was kinda just ~there~. However, it was a very weird romance. Jacob, 16, falls in love with Emma, who is 88 (?). Okay, I get that Emma looks Jacob’s age on the outside but is that not really weird? And to top it all of, Emma fell in love with and dated Jacob’s own grandfather, which to me is just really weird. I don’t know, it just didn’t seem very necessary – and it’s not even like the romance added to the plot or anything, I’m sure things would have turned out just the same if Emma and Jacob were friends.

So that was a pretty negative review, but I did enjoy the book – I just found many, many flaws with it. I think I’ll give Hollow City a try, and if I don’t enjoy that, I’ll just drop the series.

Here’s the movie trailer for Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar children which is going to be directed by Tim Burton. It’s coming out some time September, and I think I will watch it whether I finish the series or not, because movie adaptations are always fun to be happy about (if they’re good) or annoyed at (if they are bad).

Cursed Child

On a happier note – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child have released the photos of the cast in character!!!! I am so, so excited!! Although I haven’t got tickets to see the play (Mia has 😡😡) I am still trying to convince my mum, and I’m sure there’ll be more performances after 2017 so it’s all okay.

But ahhhh the cast is perfect!! At first I was pretty annoyed at Harry’s casting – it just didn’t work for me. I like it though, now! You can actually tell that Jamie Parker is  Harry Potter – it works! Of course, Daniel Radcliffe will always be the true Harry, but this is good too!

Sam Clemmett, i.e Albus Severus is great too! I’m not sure if it’s how I imagined, but I like it!

However, I’m not sure if I really like Poppy Miller as Ginny…I mean, we know Ginny is a Quidditch player, but this Ginny looks more like a Molly Weasley kind, stay-at-home mum, nothing like the Ginny we know.

Also notice the new Hogwarts robes? What do you think?

One thing I’m really hoping I’ll get out of Cursed Child is for Scorose (Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley) to be canon. Draco and Hermione are one of my OTPs and J.K Rowling herself admitted that Draco loved Hermione. So if Dramione is never going to be canon, Scorose is the next best thing!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the review and my fangirling on Cursed Child! Comment below to tell me what you think about the book, and the cast of HP & the CC!!

– V

A-Z About Me (Mia)

Now, you’ve probably seen that Vibha has done this tag, and for some reason she decided not to tag me (grrrr Vibha) so instead of arguing I’m going to be the bigger person (despite the fact that she’s like, double my height) and pretend she did tag me and just do it because it looks fun!

A – Age: 12. And Vibha said she was young😂😂. I’m the same year as her, I’m just a very late birthday.

B – Book I’m currently reading: Well, I’ve literally just finished all my books, so I’m gonna mention The Trials Of Apollo (or LEO VALDEZ’S VICTORY TOUR OF THE WORLD- you’ll get it if you’ve read it) by Rick Riordan, which I’ve just finished and which is amazing!

C – Chore you hate: Can I say chores in general? No? Then making my bed. It really annoys me coz the duvet will never go on straight.

D – Dessert you love: Anything chocolate-y🤓🤓. I am an unhealthy person who likes chocolate too much for her own good.

E – Essential start your day item: Um, a good book? That’s always important. If I don’t start the day with a good read in bed I get cranky, and you don’t wanna see me cranky😂😂

F – Favourite author/book: Hmm, this changes practically every week. At the moment, probably The Mortal Instruments series (and the thousands of add ons) by Cassandra Clare. If it has to be one book, then probably Carry On. I know, Cassandra Clare can be my favourite author, and Carry On can be my favourite book. Sorted.

G – Gold or silver: Hmm, this is an odd question. Um, probably silver? I wear silver more often. Idk……

H – Height: I’m not really sure to be honest. I think I’m about 150cm which is 4 foot 11. I’m quite short. Not ridiculously short, but still pretty short. And don’t I know it.

I – Instruments you play: I play piano and oboe. I used to play recorder because I was too small for the oboe, but when I took up oboe I dropped it😂😂. I sing quite a bit too.

J – Job title: Student. And I do voice over things for TV (it’s not as exciting as it sounds- trust me) but mainly I just go to school and try not to fall asleep.

K – Kids: None. Duh. I did say I’m 12😂😂

L – Living Arrangements: I live with my sister, parents and two dogs.

M – Most overused word/phrase in your vocabulary: I use ‘like’ way too much, and also ‘but anyway’. I start nearly every sentence with ‘but anyway’. It’s weird and really annoying.

N – Nicknames: Um, my friends call me stuff like Vicious Peasant (don’t ask), Mini Villanous Goose (again- don’t ask), Guppy-faced Paperclip (still don’t ask) and Midget (I’m short. Thought the person who calls me that is even shorter than me. Which is quite impressive). My classmates call me MiMi or Mimes (pronounced M-ee-ms in case you were wondering, which you probably weren’t). My dad calls me Moo😂😂.

O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: I don’t think I’ve stayed overnight. I went a lot when I was young with ear problems, but I don’t think I ever slept over. I’m a healthy child!

P – Pet peeve: Um, I don’t know really. Fake fans probably.

Q – Quotes I Like: OOh, tough one. Hmm. Anything from TMI, TID, TDA, PJO, HOO, TOA etc etc etc. Possibly “Sarcasm is the last resort of the imaginatively bankrupt” from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, because I use that one a lot.

R – Right or left handed: I’m right handed but I’m trying to teach myself to be ambidextrous for piano reasons. At the moment though, that’s not going too well, so, we’ll stick with right handed.

S – Siblings: I have a little sister and wish I didn’t .

T – Time you woke up today: 6ish probably. I know- I am a very unlucky child.

U – Unique thing about you: Something unique about me. Um. I don’t really know to be honest. There’s some personal mush that makes me special that I’m not gonna share so maybe, my height? Or that I have lots of crushes? Does that even count?

V – Vegetable you love: POTATOES POTATOES POTATOES!!!!!!! I absolutely love potatoes, up to the point where it’s a bit weird (can that be my unique thing about me- I have an obsession with potatoes?). Any type of potato and I’m there to steal it off you.

W – Worst habit: My dad gets soooooooo annoyed with my hair fiddling and jiggling. Oh, and my pacing when I’m on the phone. I subconsciously pace round and round the kitchen. Oh and my laugh. My laugh……. Here’s another unique fact about me: I laugh like a maniac, a dolphin, a goose, a seal and a pig rolled into one. Yep, it’s as bad as it sounds. To make matters worse, it’s very loud and I can’t stop it. In fact, two days ago I got sent out of my Latin exam for laughing.

X – X-rays you’ve had: None. Like I said, I’m a healthy child! Oh wait no, not true, I just remembered that I had an X-Ray the first day of half term last year because I went back to my old school and played electric piggie (piggies in the middle but faster) with my old friends and then the ball hit my finger straight on and we thought I had broken it. Luckily I hadn’t, but it still wasn’t a great start to the holiday. Still at A&E waiting 3 hours after you arrived at 10 at night. Great holiday. Also, can I say how boring X-rays are??? It’s actually depressing. I expected at least some flashing lights or something, but I was there waiting for something to happen and it was already over!

Y – Yummy food you make: Ooh, I make cakes a lot. I like cake baking.

Z – Zodiac sign: Oh shoot, I did know this and I’ve forgotten…… CANCER! That was it! (And can I just say that my main celebrity crush is a Taurus, and Taurus and Cancer are great together in relationships, AND OFTEN ARE SOULMATES!!! Yippee! Unfortunately his current girlfriend is also Cancer though *sighs with the pain of shipping him and his girlfriend and also having a crush on him*.) Free cookies (virtual cookies I’m afraid before anyone gets excited) for anyone who can guess who it is! (And no Vibha and Lynette, you two can’t do it coz you know).

I hope you enjoyed that, and please like, comment and follow!!!


TMI vs. TID Tag

Hey guys! Today I’m gonna do a tag I saw on Clockwork Bibliophile‘s blog, called the TMI/TID tag. If you haven’t yet taken a look at Clockwork Bibliophile’s blog, you should – it’s amazing!

The TMI/TID tag was originally created by Samantha’s Books. It’s basically a tag comparing The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I love Cassie Clare, she’s one of my favourite authors, and personally, I think that TID is by far the best of her novels, so I’ll probably be a little bit biased in my choices…Anyways, let’s get on with the tag!

Oh, and spoilers for The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices ahead!


Favourite main character: Clary or Tessa?

Definitely Tessa! Tessa was by far better than Clary, I absolutely loved her character! Not sure about you, but I got the feeling that Clary was slightly arrogant and self-centered (which I guess is alright seeing as she did pretty much save the world) but I never got that from Tessa. Plus Tessa is a badass shapeshifting warlock so…

Favourite Herondale: Jace or Will?

This is a super easy question. I might have mentioned it before, I’m not sure, but I HATE Jace. He is just so, so annoying! I genuinely cannot fathom why everybody is obsessed with him…like why!! People want to meet Jace because they’re in love with him. I wanna meet Jace so I can punch him in the face. Okay, I’m not that violent but come on. Anyone else hate Jace? Or is it just me?

Plus Will is awesome, almost as awesome as Jem. He is sassy and sarcastic and just…well, plain amazing. Mia and Lynette have heard me say this lots, but come on, who DOESN’T love Will Herondale? You can’t read The Infernal Devices and not love Will!

Favourite love triangle: Clary/Simon/Jace or Will/Jem/Tessa?

Easy. Looks like TID scores once again – Herongraystairs it is! Will, Jem and Tessa are the cutest and they actually all accept each other loving Tessa (and one another) whereas with Simon, Jace and Clary it was initially just a jealousy war. Will doesn’t mind Jem loving Tessa (well he did, but he was understanding enough) and Jem doesn’t mind Will loving Tessa.

On the topic of ships, shoutout to Malec, the cutest couple in all of Cassie Clare’s books! Malec are OTP goals.

Better villain: Sebastian or the Magister?

At last! Finally something which I can say The Mortal Instruments is better at! Sebastian was so much more evil that the Magister could ever be – the way he planned all his attacks were so, so clever! I mean, you’d’ve have never suspected that Sebastian was initially working for Valentine, what with him loving Clary and living in Idris all his life.

Better army: The Dark Army or the Clockwork Army?

I’m gonna have to say the Dark Army for this one. Both the armies were equally as strong and powerful as the other, but I think the Dark Army were just a little bit more painful to defeat, seeing as they were humans, people’s loved ones converted into dark, morbid creatures by Sebastian. It would’ve been a little more hard for Clary to kill them knowing they didn’t mean to murder, knowing the pain she would cause to their loved ones.

Best first book: City of Bones or Clockwork Angel?

Clockwork Angel without doubt. I finished the book in less then a day, along with the rest of the Infernal Devices series. I remember my mum judging me for reading the book pretty much every second I was free. I liked the City of Bones too, I just think Clockwork Angel had more going on from Book 1, you fell in love with it quicker.

Best female sidekick: Cecily Herondale or Isabelle Lightwood?

I’m going to say Izzy for this one, mainly because we didn’t get to see Cecily all that much, so I don’t know how good a sidekick she’d be. However, if she was in the books more, than I have a feeling I’d pick her over Izzy.

Best setting: The New York Institute or the London Institute?

Well it depends, really. If you mean the book New York Institute, old and classic, then I’d go there, but if you mean the New York Institute we saw in the TV Series, Shadowhunters, modern and hi-tech, then I’d have to say the London Institute. But I hope it doesn’t rain as much in the Victorian times as it does in 2016 London.

Best last book: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Clockwork Princess definitely. Like Clockwork Angel I COULD NOT put this book down. I literally sped through it and gahh the epilogue. Don’t even get me started on the pain that epilogue inflicted on me. CoHF was good too, I just think I’m Team TID more than I am Team TMI. 🙂

Better final epilogue: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Oh look there’s a whole question dedicated to the epilogue! I didn’t even realise. Well, you know my answer already, the ending of Clockwork Princess was AMAZING. Which means it was the most beautiful part of The Infernal Devices, yet the tears, ugh the tears. Cassandra Clare is one cruel author. Even if Will did die of old age. It was still painful.

I can see Clockwork Princess right next to me on my bookshelf and I’m really tempted to reread the epilogue but I’m not sure if should..it’s just too sad!


Okay so the final results are:

6.5 – 3.5

Looks like TID wins by 2.5 points! Just like I predicted. Like Shannon @ Clockwork Bibliophile said in her post, TID is definitely the superior series. It just had that much more feels in it, you know? But by the angel, I loved doing that tag! It was super fun! ➰

I’m not going to tag anyone specific seeing as I’m not sure who has read Cassie’s books and who hasn’t, so if you want to do this tag please feel free to do so! Just put your link down in the comments, as I’d love to read your post!!

Also – credits to Yukihime-San @ DeviantArt for the cover image!

– V

Thursday Tracks 26/5/16 #4

YAS!!!!! Exams are over, and I now have 10 days off school! I’m gonna enjoy each and every one of them!

So, now exams are over I’ll be back to posting! This week’s Thursday Tracks is going to be slightly special, as Vibha asked if she could join in. She is going to talk about some new bands she’s become obsessed with (and when I say obsessed, I mean OBSESSED. She has been spamming us with lyrics and making us listen to her favourite word of her favourite song again and again and again until we get headaches). But first, I’ll put some songs on!

Mia’s Music

Okay, so, I’ll start with a singer of the week. I’d like to do 5sos a) because I’m now a fan and b) because they’ve got me through exam week or Taylor Swift for getting me through exam week, but I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned them already so they can be my runners up.

(Just gonna say- I have never wanted to be a microphone as much as I do when I look at these pictures)


(Also, I haven’t had an opportunity before now to say that Taylor’s new hair makes me sad. I liked her old hair. And 5sos are changing their look too- Luke lost his lip ring and isn’t getting it replaced (noooooooo) and has gotten rid of his quiff (noooooooo again), Calum’s got rid of his highlights, ASH’S BANDANA IS GONE (disaster) and Michael’s no longer dying his hair. SO SAD.)

My singer of the week is going to be Meghan Trainor. For a start, she made an appearance in my maths exam along with Zayn Malik, Andy Murray, Simon Cowell, Justin Bieber and a few others (don’t ask- it was a strange maths exam). Also, I got my friend into her and now she is obsessed (though not quite as obsessed as Vibha is with her bands). Our Meghan Trainor session get quite intense.


And on the topic of my friend, can I just say that I am the champion on Taylor Swift songs? No matter who won the game we played, I am the true Swiftie. I’m gonna use this as a warning to any fake fans out there- if you try and do the “I’m such a huge swiftie” thing on me, it ain’t gonna work. I can tell a true Swiftie from a fake fan, and trust me, you don’t want to be on the receiving end of my fake fan anger. Warning over.

Now, for song of the week, I’m gonna choose Hair by Little Mix feat. Sean Paul. I rediscovered this song a few days ago and can’t stop listening to it over and over and over and over and over (you get the idea) again. It’s awesome.

And yeah, that’s all from me for this week, hope you enjoyed it, over to Vibha!

Vibha’s Music

I’m so excited to do this Thursday Tracks! It’s my first one, and my second last one as well probably (Mia wants me to do it next week as well), so this is super cool! Like Mia said, over the past couple of weeks we’ve been away, revising for exams, I (with the help of a friend) discovered three new bands which I have completely fallen in love with – the Emo Trinity. So you may have noticed from above that Mia’s music taste is quite pop-y, but to be honest I hate pop music. Therefore when I discovered the Emo Trinity – i.e Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance – I loved it!


Now I myself am not emo, no – I just like the music. My Chemical Romance is definitely the best of them in my opinion, although my friends who also listen to these bands definitely think Panic! is the best. I don’t know though, MCR is pretty amazing.

Okay so from what I can tell you have to do a singer, album and song of the week if I’m right?

I’ll start off with the song of the week – and for this I’d have to choose I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco. I definitely agree that this is the most overrated of their songs, but that isn’t gonna stop it being my favourite Panic! song :). Panic! At the Disco is a one man band, with Brendon Urie singing and playing all the music. There were other people, but they all left, so it’s just Brendon now.

Now for the album of the week, I’m going to say Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy. This album is amazing, one of their bests along with American Beauty/American Psycho. There are some pretty awesome songs in there, my favourites being Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes and 20 Dollar Nose Bleed.


And last, but most definitely not least, artist of the week has to be My Chemical Romance. Like I said earlier, MCR is my favourite of the three bands. When Mia said I’ve been spamming her messages with lyrics – she meant MCR lyrics. And when she mentioned my favourite word – it’s Gerard saying the word ‘letter’ in the song Mama. Now I don’t know if any of you have heard this song, but if you have tell me in the comments. It’s so cool the way he pronounces the word! Tell me (and Mia, because she certainly needs some convincing), that I’m not insane.

Back to My Chemical Romance, the main reason why I didn’t put them on song/album of the week is because they are so amazing it’s just impossible to pick a favourite. One minute I’ll say that Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge is my favourite album, next minute I’ll say Danger Days: The True Lives of Fabulous Killjoys is the best. I just cannot choose! But I think you’ve got the idea – My Chemical Romance is amazing – and I know they broke up three years ago before I discovered them, but I’m staying with the idea that they’ll get back together in 2019, year of the Killjoys.


Left to right: Bob Bryar (who left the band), Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro

Hope you enjoyed that! It was much longer than the usual Thursday Tracks, but oh well 🙂
Thanks, and do tell us what you think about our favourite music!
-M & V