Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Popular Books I Haven’t Read Yet

It’s Tuesday! Which means it’s time for another top ten Tuesday. We haven’t done of these in a long time…in fact we haven’t really done ANY posting in a long time…sorry! We’ve just been quite busy with school and stuff, but as the summer holidays are nearing we can hopefully get back to our normal posting routine.

Today’s TTT is a freebie one, which means we can write about a topic of our own choice. Last week’s topic, which we missed, was ‘Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year’. I think that was quite an important post to write about, so I might catch up and do that another time, as it’s always exciting to see which books we have in store for the next few months!

For my freebie topic, I decided to choose ‘Top Ten Popular Books I Haven’t Read Yet’…there’s lots I need to read, and most of the ones in the list below are part of my Summer TBR so let’s hope that by the end of summer I’ll have read these!

Anyways on to the TTT!

  1. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis

It’s kinda sad because I’m pretty sure everyone read this book when they were 8 and I still haven’t read it. Everyone tells me to read it seeing as I’m obsessed with Harry Potter and this is a fantasy classic just like HP, but if I’m honest it actually doesn’t look that interesting….I think I might read it SOMETIME just to see why it’s so popular, but you know…

2. Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien

This is another one that’s always recommended to me because of Harry Potter…I’ve tried reading it twice but the first chapter is soooo boring, I just can’t seem to get into it! It’s like, a 50 page description of Middle Earth or whatever and I just feel it’s kinda confusing.

3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

This is such a popular book but I’ve just never been able to get round to it! It’s been sitting on my shelf for quite a long time, and three months ago I vowed I would read it ‘next week’ but here I am, it’s June, no progress has been made…hopefully I will get round to it in Summer.

4. The Selection by Kiera Cass

The Selection is such a popular book, I swear EVERYBODY has read it but me…I will get round to it though, hopefully by the end of this month (I just realised it was 28th June but let’s assume it’s July). It does look quite interesting although there has been reviews that it sorta makes women seem weak, but I’ll have to see.

5. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

This is another book which so many people have read, and when it came out there was so much buzz, almost every blog was talking about this. I’ve got the book so I will read it over my summer holidays, and I’m excited to see what all the hype was about. It’ll also be my first Alexandra Bracken book and she’s apparently a very good author, so maybe this will give me a good taste on her books.

6. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh

I’ve been wanting to read this book for sooo long, you don’t even know. I love fairy tale retellings and I feel like I haven’t read enough of them, so I really want to read this book but I just cannot seem to get hold of it!

7. A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab

I started reading a chapter of this a little while back but I stopped to read Illuminae, as I was in a huge slump and Illuminae seemed like a quick read. The little that I read of ADSOM seemed great, so I can’t wait to restart it!

8. Landline and Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I love Rainbow Rowell’s writing and Carry On, Fangirl and Eleanor and Park are definitely some of my favourite books. I’m hoping Landline and Attachments will provide the same funny writing style as her other books did!

9. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

This is another one that has received a lot of hype, and even has a movie adaptation that seems quite action packed and thrilling. I haven’t read a dystopia in a while, and I’m hoping I will be able to read The 5th Wave over summer (gosh, I’ll have a lot of reading) too.

10. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Again, so much hype. It also looks super interesting, and has been recommended to me quite a few times, so I’d really like to read it!

Hope you enjoyed this post!


Ilvermorny Houses In Pottermore

THERE’S A NEW WRITTEN BY J.K ROWLING UPDATE ON POTTERMORE, IN PREPARATION FOR FANTASTIC BEASTS! And it’s all about Ilvermorny! There’s loads about the History of the school (America’s version of Hogwarts basically) but the thing I’m super excited about is the houses! You can be sorted into Ilvermorny houses!!

• Horned Serpent – a ‘great horned river serpent with a jewel set into its forehead’

• Pukwudgie – ‘a short, grey-faced, large-eared creature’

• Thunderbird – a creature that ‘can create storms as it flies’

• Wampus – ‘a magical, panther-like creature that is fast, strong and almost impossible to kill’

So those are the houses, and they’re all named after different fantastic beasts.


I took the test and got Thunderbird as my house.


Comment and tell me what house you got and if you know which house had green and silver house colours because I am genuinely curious *cough* willing to switch houses *cough*.

Musing Monday + Weekly Wrap Up (June 06)

Hi all! This is the first Musing Monday + Weekly Wrap Up we’ve done since the end of April so…whoops! For those of you who don’t know, Musing Monday is a weekly meme hosted by Jenn @ Books And A Beat. Every Monday we answer a couple of the weekly prompts, and then talk about the weekly musing. You should definitely take a look at Jenn’s blog, as it’s really good! She hosts quite a few other memes too, which you may have heard of, so it’s worth a look!

Weekly Wrap-Up prompts:

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

This week’s musing:

What is your most favorite book from your childhood?

Weekly Wrap Up:

I’m currently reading..

Right now I’m reading Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I was originally in a reading slump, and was ‘reading’ A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab, but I just really didn’t feel like it. I decided to read Illuminae instead, as it looked like a quick read.

Up next I think I’ll read…

Hopefully I can get back to A Darker Shade of Magic next, if not then I will read A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray.

I bought the following books in the past week…

On Friday I bought Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. It looks so interesting, especially because it’s such a different format! As I’m reading it, I can’t help but get completely engrossed in the book – I just love the way it’s laid out! I also bought Passenger by Alexandra Bracken. This is a book which everybody has been talking about, so I really want to see what it’s about. It’ll be the first Alexandra Bracken book I’ll read, so fingers crossed I like it!

I can’t wait to get a copy of…

I  really, really want to read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I’ve reserved it at my library so I should have it by the end of this week, but it looks sooo amazing! Especially as now the movie is near its release, so everywhere you go you see adverts and posters for the movie. My friend did spoil the ending for me, so that’s pretty sad, however I’m going to try and forget what happens so I still enjoy the book!

What we blogged about last week…

Usually we’d do what we blogged about since our last Musing Monday, but since that was quite a long time ago, I’m just going to list the posts between now and last Monday.

  1. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Book Review + Exciting Cursed Child News
  2. Cover Comparison + Cursed Child Updates
  3. Thursday Quotables – Thursday 02 June + Cursed Child Updates
  4. Thursday Tracks 2/6/16 – #5
  5. A – Z About Me Tag (Lynette)
  6. Daily Lives of High School Boys
  7. Fairy Tail Chapter 487 Thoughts and Discussions
  8. Death Note
  9. Reading Blind – Discussion
  10. Liebster Award

This week we’ll be back to doing our memes – Top Ten Tuesday, Thursday Quotables, Thursday Tracks and maybe When I First Saw You, if we can manage it. We may also post a few tags/awards, as we have been nominated for quite a few. Other than that, there may be the odd post here or there :).

Weekly Musing

So today’s question is ‘Favourite childhood book’ and I honestly do not know if I had an ultimate favourite. I know when I was around 7/8 I was obsessed with Enid Blyton’s books, especially the Naughtiest Girl series and Malory Towers. I also really liked the Rainbow Magic books by Daisy Meadows. A little after that, around age 9, I became obsessed, and this is hardcore obsession with posters all over my walls and everything, with Jacqueline Wilson. But I think throughout that whole period I was, as I am now, crazy obsessed with Harry Potter. So yeah :), what was your favourite childhood book?


Liebster Award


We’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by Demi @ Books Traveller. You should check out her blog! It’s great! She does some really nice bookish posts, and her memes and tags are great too!

This is the first award that we’ve ever been nominated for, so this is quite a big thing for us, and we’re really excited! 🙂

There’s a lot of Liebster Award posts out there, all with different sets of rules and formats, so we’re just going to do what Demi did in her post.

The Rules:

– Thank the one(s) who nominated you
– Answer 11 questions the blogger gives you
– Give 11 12 random facts about yourself
– Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve this award too
– Give them 11 questions to answer
– Let the bloggers know you nominated them

Demi’s Questions

1. What is your favourite animal and why?

V: I don’t have one particular favourite, just many likes. I love elephants, especially the cute baby ones! I also think zebras and giraffes are pretty cute. Recently I discovered the existence of pangolins, and I just think they are the most adorable little animals! I don’t have a pet, but if I did, I’d probably like a ferret, or a snake, or some sort of lizard.

M: ooh, this is already so hard! I love all animals! I have two dogs who are adorable, and I really want a pet pig. But penguins are also so cute! I think overall I’d say pigs though……

L: I love all animals too, but I would have to say cats and red pandas just because they are adorable. I also love tigers too because they’re also really cute. 

2. What’s your favourite book and why?

V: The hardest question you could ask any bookworm. It’s like choosing your favourite children. Ummm I think either Carry On by Rainbow Rowell or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (by JK Rowling of course).

M: Tough one. This changes practically every week, but at the moment I’d say it’s probably Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. It’s such a good book- so funny and also so dramatic!

L: This is almost impossible. Sorry for being annoying but I honestly don’t have any favourite books. There are so many unique and wonderful books out there that I could never compare with each other, so I really don’t know. 

3. What’s your favourite movie?

V: I’m not really a movie person, but I have to say I loved the movie for Scorch Trials. I also really like Jurassic World, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. The movie for Paper Towns was amazing. I went to see it with two of my friends, and we cracked up when they suddenly burst into song, singing the Pokemon theme. Oh, and also, *spoilers for movie*, the cameo. Oh my god, when Augustus Waters came on as the petrol dude, I swear in that moment, the whole cinema was willing to scream and fangirl. Actually, there were three girls behind us, who literally started freaking out.

M: As I have a younger sister (aged 8) most of the films I watch can be quite dull- PG’s and U’s. But when I have the chance (e.g. when she’s at a friends house/fine to bed early) then I can watch a more grown up film. However, that happens quite rarely so I haven’t seen many films. I’m going to say either The Fault In Our Stars (I cried and cried) or The Scorch Trials. I also really want to see Paper Towns.

L: Okay sorry for being like this again but I also have no favourite movie. I’ve watched too many (just like I’ve read so many books) to really decide. I don’t even have a few favourite movies, I just love too many. 

4. What’s the most recent happy event in your life?

V: Well I can definitely say that exams finishing was a happy event :). Although we’ll have to wait an see if it really was a happy event, when the results come in…

M: I had a big party recently which was amazing! All my friends and relatives were there and it was the best day of my life.

L: Well if you know me, you’ll know I’m an otaku. So going to Japan in April was absolutely amazing! I had so much fun there, and experienced what Japan was really like, plus there was a lot of anime stuff as well. 

5. Pepsi or Coca Cola?

V: Am I allowed to say neither? I don’t really like any fizzy drinks, if I’m honest…also I can’t taste between the two drinks so I’ll just say both!

M: I am proud to say that I have never tried either. My parents are kinda big on avoiding fizzy drinks and juice after my cousin had to get 4 fillings at the age of 6. He lived on Ribena. So, can I answer Sprite? That’s my exception to my “stick with water and milkshakes” rule- I love Sprite.

L: Coca Cola. I don’t like pepsi or Coke much (I know, I’m weird) but I would have to say Coke tastes a bit nicer. 

6. Do you like to travel?

V: Yes! Although I hate the actual process of ~travelling~, i.e being stuck in an aeroplane for hours on end, feeling sick and bored. It’s not like I could read, or I’d probably throw up, and although there are some really good movies, I’m still too short (I know I said I was tall in the A-Z Book Tag, but I mainly have long legs, which isn’t of much use if you’re sitting…), so images look really dark and weird. Also, sometime in my life, I’d like to go on a road trip around America with my friends, on one of those Volksvagen camper vans. 🙂

M: Yes yes yes!!!!! I love airplanes, I love going to new places, I love everything about travelling. When I’m older, in my gap year, I’m going to travel the world, like my parents did. I want to go to Tokyo, the penguin A&E in South Africa (and yes, that is a real thing, it’s in Cape Town) and everywhere else! 

L: I love going to places but I hate the actual travelling (like Vibha). Planes sort of scare me, and sitting in them for too long is kind of uncomfortable. I also hate being in cars for too long because that’s also really uncomfortable. But I love going around and seeing the world, because every country is so special and interesting! 

7. How many languages can you speak?

V: Fluently, only English. However in school I’m learning  French and Spanish, which I’m pretty OK at. I also lived in India for the first 6 years of my life, so I can understand Tamil and Hindi, although I’m not the greatest speaker. 

M: Just English for me. I’m learning French and Spanish at school, but I just flunked both tests so let’s not mention them. I’m also learning Latin, but I don’t think that really counts! So just English for me!

L: English and Mandarin (Chinese). At school I’m learning Spanish and German (I decided not to take French like my friends because I don’t like it) and I’m also doing Latin. I’m also secretly learning Japanese at home when I have time.

8. What is one aspect of yourself that you occasionally get complimented on?

V: I genuinely do not know…I don’t really have any hobbies other than reading and writing and I’m pretty untalented as such…I’m such a failure 😂😂

M: Um, definitely not my looks! People often mention my hair, but I don’t think that’s a compliment! Maybe my music? I like playing my instruments (oboe and piano if you didn’t read my A-Z about me) and that’s usually what people mention, if they say anything nice about me at all!

L: My appearance. No I’m joking, that doesn’t happen unless if I’m in China for some reason where everyone seems to call me a ‘pretty little girl.’ Mostly it’s my art that gets complimented though, drawing is one of my favourite hobbies!

9. What is your dream job?

V: I’d like to be an author – that sounds super fun. If not that, I don’t mind any other jobs which include professional reading or writing, such as an editor, say. Other than that I’m only 13…I don’t really know which of my school subjects which I like could lead into jobs which I’m interested in…

M: 2 years ago this would have been an easy answer. I was going to marry a farmer, run a child-minding business and write stories in my free time. I was going to be the next Jaqueline Wilson (I was a naive child). Now, it’s not so simple. My parents want me to be a musician, but as nice as that would be I think it’s not really my thing- I’ll keep music as a hobby. I’d still love to work with kids and I’d adore to be an author, but I’m starting to consider acting as a future career. I’d love to be an actress. I think my dream job would be to write plays and then act in them (and have lots of kids too!).

L: Well whenever people ask me I always just say I don’t know, but honestly I would love to be a manga artist. I love writing and drawing, and I also love anime and manga, so I think it would be a great job for me! I would love to spend my life in Japan as a successful manga artist (although the successful part may not be true) and one of my close friends said she would accompany me and help me out, which would be awesome.

10. What would you recommend me to watch or read next?

V: Hm…if you haven’t already, then I’d definitely read Cassandra Clare and Rick Riordan books. I also really enjoyed City of Halves by Lucy Inglis, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven and The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. Oh, and Rainbow Rowell is pretty awesome too!

M: Cassandra Clare, Rick Riordan and Rainbow Rowell are all amazing! Also, if you haven’t read John Green’s books, they’re all amazing, even the less well known ones. Filmwise, The Scorch Trials is amazing, as is The Maze Runner, though be warned- The Scorch Trials doesn’t follow the book. It’s still amazing though! I also recommend The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which I think is a book. I’ve just seen the first half of the film, but it’s brilliant and really funny.

L: Othee than the suggestions my friends made above, I would recommend The Lunar Chronicles (I have actually only read two of the books but they’re already really good and apparently get better) and I also recommend The Lie Tree (which I read recently and is really good). As of books I’ve read recently, I think I’m just going to recommend these. If you watch anime I would recommend many anime series too, but if you don’t then it may be pointless so I’m going to leave that.

11. Do you think Donald Trump should become the president of the United States?

V: God, no. And although I don’t live in America, I’m going to quote my friend – ‘If Donald Trump becomes President of America, god forbid, the whole world is doomed.’

M: No way. Never. Anyone but him. My dog would be a better president. My friend from America said that if Donald Trump becomes president she’s revoking her American citizenship because she doesn’t want to be part of a country with him as his leader, and to be honest, I agree.

L: No. Who would? I doubt the whole world is going to become a disaster, but let’s say that some bad things are bound to happen if Trump becomes President. 

12 Random Facts About Us

(We did 12 instead of 11 facts so it’s an even 3 way split – we each get 4 facts. You’d probably get a little bored reading 33 facts :). )

Vibha’s facts:

  1. My entire family’s names mean ‘light’. My mum’s, my dad’s and my name just coincidentally happened to mean ‘light’, but we chose my little sister’s name on purpose.
  2. I have lived in 5 different houses, gone to around 6 different schools and lived in 2 countries.
  3. When I was younger I (stupidly) decided that it would be cool to have a nose piercing. I had a few beads in my pocket, so I stuffed one up my nostril, thinking that’s how nose piercings worked. As you can imagine, that didn’t end too well….
  4. Another story from when I was younger – I wanted to drink ink, so I drank down at least half the ink in a biro cartridge. It stained my tongue blue for a couple of days…my mum found me in front of the bathroom sink desperately rubbing at my tongue with some soap, and she burst out laughing 🙂

Mia’s facts

  1. I have ridden on an elephant when I went to South Africa! I also saw giraffes, penguins (yep- really), wilderbeast, grape vines (we went to the wine tasting region) and beaded animals. It was a great holiday! On the downside I threw up from eating too much red meat, but you can’t have everything!
  2. I’m allergic to cats, but I’ve decided that when I’m older I’m going to be a batty cat lady. I’ll go shopping in my dressing gown and slippers and buy nothing but cat food, and I’ll have one of those really slow electric wheelchair things (I can’t think what they’re called) and drive along in the middle of the road so no one can get passed me! It’s gonna be a lot of fun!
  3. When I was younger, my best friend was called Mia as well, though to be honest that was the only reason we were friends!
  4. I had a boyfriend when I was in nursery. It was serious. We kissed and everything! My childminder has thousands of embarrassing pics of the two of us!

Lynette’s facts:

  1. I spent a year in China studying, and I lived with my aunts and uncles instead of my parents, as they needed to stay at home to work and carry on taking my brothers to school. It was a great experience, but I did miss home quite a lot.
  2. My dream job as a child was to spend my life climbing trees. I didn’t realise how stupid this was until I was 8, but even then I thought of becoming an animal rescuer so I could incorporate the climbing trees part. 
  3. My Chinese name in Japanese is Ayako, which was coincidentally one of my favourite names before I ever knew that it was my Chinese name as Japanese. I even used to write stories about characters called Ayako, and I had never even known it was my name.
  4. This fact isn’t that interesting but I’ve never broken any bones before. I’m super clumsy (as my friends know) and I tend to trip a lot and stumble, and I often walk into walls or random other things like that, so it’s a wonder how I’ve never managed to break a single bone before, but thank goodness for that.

Our Questions For You Are…

  1. What would be your favourite fictional world to live in?
  2. What fictional character would you want as your best friend?
  3. If you didn’t blog about what you currently do, what do you think your blog would be based on?
  4. If you could own any pet in the world (including mythical creatures) what would it be and why?
  5. In which country is it your dream to live in?
  6. What is your favourite celebration (eg. Christmas, New Year, Birthday etc) and why?
  7. What’s the most precious/sentimental book on your shelf?
  8. Who was your first fictional crush?
  9. What’s your favourite genre of music and why?
  10. Harry Potter or Twilight?
  11. What song describes you/your life?

Our Nominees Are…

  1. Kitkatdallibooks
  2. Hannah @ The Book Llama
  3. Michelle @ A Halfblood Fangirl
  4. Captain’s Quarters
  5. Katie @ City of Fiction
  6. Lisa @ Lisa’s Home for Books and More
  7. Shayney @ Shayney’s Review
  8. Teen Book Reviews
  9. Eleanor @ Real Tasty Pages
  10. Darla Mae @ The Bookish Warrior
  11. Jas @ Pageturning

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that post! 🙂

Reading Blind – Discussion

Since this blog started, I’ve only done two discussion posts. Since then, the majority of my posts have been memes, tags, and reviews, so I’m really going to try and do some more discussions. It may be over ambitious, but let’s say at least one a week, if not one every other week.

For me, there’s two types of reading/picking the book you read. One is when you know what you’re in for, when you’ve read some reviews, Goodreads synopsis, etc. and the other is reading blind (note: I’m not sure if reading blind is the ‘official’ term for this, but oh well 🙂 ).


As you can see from the title, this week’s discussion post is going to be on reading blind. Okay, this isn’t Braille or anything – although I did learn a few words in Braille when I was younger, but I doubt I can remember them. Reading blind is basically starting a book without knowing what it’s going to be about. Sometimes, I like to just read the blurb of the book – sometimes not even that. Reading blind is when you keep your knowledge of the book as little as possible, because then even the smallest little detail surprises you. It makes the plot much more exciting, the character’s that little bit more ~enhanced~ because almost everything is told through the book, with nothing being given away from a blurb/review. Of course, you will know small details, such as the genre, but that’s about it.

Reading blind is often fine if the book is super popular. Take, for example, Renée Ahdieh’s The Wrath and the Dawn. I haven’t read this book yet, although I would like to get to it asap, however I know a considerable amount of detail on the book, taking into account that I haven’t actually read its synopsis, and only skimmed through a couple of reviews.

With over-hyped books, reading blind is fine – because you feel slightly more ‘safe’ in the sense that you know that it’s much more likely that the book will actually be a good book, with an interesting plot and well developed characters. I mean, they must be recieving all this hype for a reason!

However, when you take a look at under hyped books, reading blind isn’t always the best option. These are books that not many people have read, not many people talk about, so of course, you really won’t know what you’re in for, and whether what you’re going to read will be good or not. I often use my local library, and in the physical ‘library’ library (as we have an online version as well), the majority of the books in the YA section are usually super under-hyped books written by authors I have never heard of, and titles which I don’t know about. This is why I usually use the website, so I can get the books I want, but sometimes when I feel like trying something new and different, I like to pick a random under-hyped book.

One of the books that sticks out the most to me, in my memory, is the book The New Girl, which I read without looking at the blurb. I tried to search for the book on Goodreads but couldn’t find the author as there were many books named The New Girl, but from my memory I think it was something like S.L Grey? I really enjoyed that book. I remember it so well, and I remember recommending it to my friend, a friend who is kinds a YA hater, and she actually seemed interested. Only later, say, 4-5 months later, did I realise that The New Girl was actually the third and final book in a trilogy. And it was strange to think that although this was the final book, it still made sense.

The New Girl is a perfect example of both an upside and a downside of reading blind. I found a good book and a new author, I enjoyed it, I was surprised and the most minor details in the blurb didn’t spoil the most minor details in the book. But, however, it was the third in the series. And naturally you’d want to read the first two books as well, but then such an under hyped book means A) it’s hard to find and B) I didn’t know who wrote it.

So that wasn’t really a very major downside, so away from The New Girl, here’s some other downsides on reading blind, quickly summarised. Sometimes, going straight into the book without knowing what to expect can make your reading experience LESS enjoyable. You want to know what is coming, you want to look forward to it, and sometimes that motivates you to read more and read quicker. I knew Carry On would be about Snowbaz, as although the blurb didn’t give away much, I’d read Fangirl. And that’s why, despite Baz’s arrival being pretty far into the book, and the actual canon-ness happening 61 chapters in, I still sped through the book in like 1 hour. BECAUSE MY SOUL LIVES ON SNOWBAZ. SNOWBAZ EQUALS OTP GOALS. Sorry. Off topic.


Another reason why reading blind isn’t great is that maybe the vague idea you had of the book was wrong. You may have assumed, based on your skim through the blurb, that the book was going to be say, a fantasy dystopia. However on reading, it may have in fact turned out to be a sci-fi, a genre that you aren’t particularly interested in.

One con for NOT reading blind is, of course, that you may get spoiled. This isn’t likely, as most of the time reviews often have warnings on them, but everyone has different opinions on what counts as a spoiler and what doesn’t. Someone may think a small detail, which isn’t really the ‘ending’ of the book, isn’t a spoiler, whereas another person may think that it’s better for the surprise to be told during the story, even if it’s not technically part of the plot (I’m talking about *cough* mini-spoiler *cough* Solangelo here….).

So what do you think on reading blind? Do you do it often, or do you prefer to have a good idea of the book beforehand? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Thursday Quotables – Thursday 02 June + Cursed Child Updates

Hi all! It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for our second Thursday Quotables. Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies, where you share a quote from the book you’re currently reading. Now I haven’t done one of these in a long time – it’s been more than a month since I last did one…

At the moment I’m currently at that stage when you finish a book and don’t know what to read next. I was planning to read Hollow City, and I went through a couple of chapters, but I just didn’t really get into it. I think I might either try Victoria Schwab’s A Gathering of Shadows, or A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray next. What do you think I should read?

Since I’m not really reading anything at this particular time, I thought I’d share a couple of quotes with you from the quotes on my wall.


“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.”

– J.K Rowling

It’s not a quote from any book, but it’s a really nice quote. I like it – it shows that although we may not live in Harry’s world, around magic, we can still imagine for the better.

“To love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”

– Cassandra Clare

This is so deep. It’s a Jace Herondale quote, but you see, it kinda hints at Will. Will knew that for him  ‘to love is to destroy’ because of his curse. So…Cassandra Clare 🙂

“To really be a nerd, she’d decided, you had to prefer fictional worlds to the real one.

-Rainbow Rowell

Ha, I think I picked this quote because lets be honest, is there any bookworm who doesn’t want to live in fiction? I think not. 🙂

The main fictional world I want to live in is Hogwarts, and most people say that when they were 11 they never got a letter from Hogwarts, but when I was 11, I actually sent a letter to J.K Rowling, and I got a reply back. Obviously it wasn’t from JK herself, only some of the people working in Bloomsbury, but I was still really happy!

However, I definitely didn’t get my Hogwarts letter, but there’s still a chance left for a satyr to take me to Camp Half-Blood or for me to have the Sight. I just need to wait until I’m sixteen and you never know – mwahahaha the perks of being young.

It’s not gonna happen is it.

Cursed Child Update

Okay, this is the last day Pottermore will be releasing images of the main actors in character. On Tuesday we had Ginny, Harry and Albus Severus, yesterday we had Ron, Hermione and Rose and today’s characters are…

Draco and Scorpius Malfoy! I guessed right!

What do you think?

I’m gonna say straight off that I don’t like it. Nope, just no. Malfoy is just asdfgh no. And Scorpius is okay but it’s nothing like I imagineddddd ugh.

Well, if Scorose becomes canon, then I think I might forgive them.

Or if Scorpius gets sorted into Gryffindor. That would make me happy.

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed this post! Tell me what you think about my quotes and the Cursed Child cast! What do you think I should read next?



Cover Comparison + Cursed Child Updates

I absolutely love looking at book covers, and despite the saying ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, I’m pretty sure I’ve judged many books by its cover. Today I’m going to compare the first edition covers of some books, with other editions – it could be an international cover, a different edition, or even a fan made cover. These are just some of my absolute favourites!

Cress by Marissa Meyer

So one of the covers as you can see is the original cover for Cress, the third book in The Lunar Chronicles series. I really like this cover, it’s really pretty and totally relevant to the story too, what with the long-haired Rapunzel figure sitting on the floor. But then you see the French edition. Idk why but ever since I first saw that cover I have been obsessed with it. It’s so, so, so pretty!! It’s way more eye catching than the original. It has an amazing galaxy in the back (I love galaxies) and Cress herself seems so much more amazing, you know? It’s just soooo beautiful! I want the French edition…*fangirls* 🙂

Winter by Marissa Meyer

Okay, seeing as we spoke about Cress in the previous paragraph, obviously I had to mention another one of my favourites in Marissa Meyer’s books – Winter. Winter is the last book, and the original cover is also stunning, but look at the Vietnamese cover!!! Okay, you may say they look super similar, but the Vietnamese one is soooo much nicer! And you can even see a reflection of a girl in the apple, although I’m not sure who that girl is as she certainly isn’t Winter. It’s just so nice and sparkly, and blue and aahhhh! I also love the font much better than the original font – the Vietnamese covers for all the TLC books use this font and personally I think it’s way more attractive.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Okay so I’m not sure if the original cover is the original original cover as I’m pretty sure there is another one, but this is the one I have so let’s just stick with it. I really don’t like it, the original. Who’s that girl at the top listening to music? Because it isn’t Eleanor, for sure. She’s way too skinny to be Eleanor – and the whole point of Eleanor is that she isn’t a stereotypical skinny girl!!! Ugh. Annoying. I like this other cover though (credits to the unnamed source – it’s amazing). It looks way more attractive and even fits the book better. I’m guessing the Converses are Park, coz Eleanor wears Vans, and that crazy mop of hair at the top is Eleanor. See – it fits.

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Okay, last but not least, let’s take a look at the City of Bones original edition and the German edition. If I’m honest, I like both of them the same. But they seriously messed up the rest of the English editions – I mean the one you see above the first edition (I think?) is perfectly fine. Then you see the newer covers, the ones with the massive font and ugly colours. Ah I hate I!


Just no.

 But back to the German cover, I really like it! It gives the sense that the book is this intriguing fantasy with all these magical creatures. It looks awesome, although I’m not too sure about those birds – what even are they?

Cursed Child Updates

So if you saw my review on Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children yesterday, you would’ve seen the pictures released of the Potter family, i.e Harry, Ginny and Albus Severus Potter. It was awesome. Well, today Pottermore has released the images of the Granger-Weasley family (yes they combined names!!), including Ron (Paul Thornley), Hermione (Noma Dumezwini) and Rose (Cherelle Skeete).

How awesome does it look!!! It’s perfect, I’m sooo excited about the play, even though I haven’t even got any tickets (*whispers furiously in hope it will make everything true* You will get tickets, Vibha, you will.) I’m fangirling so hard, it’s perfecttttt.

I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about Noma Dumezwini being Hermione, because in my opinion she’s perfect for the role! It’s a nice change, and it doesn’t matter that she looks nothing like Emma Watson!

The third and final release of photos will be out tomorrow, and it will show two more wizarding characters of importance to the story. I’m hoping it will be the Malfoy family – because then maybe they may drop a hint that Scorose might become canon…*fingers crossed*.

Oh, and if you read our blog on the website, rather than on WP Reader, you would’ve seen that our little Cursed Child countdown widget says exactly 60 days – 2 months – until the 31st July!!! We’re getting ever closer to the big day!

Hope you enjoyed this post! I may do another cover comparison, only a negative one, with bad covers, coz why not :). However, I’ve made many such promises in the past, saying that ‘I’ll do another such post very shortly’ and then never done it, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high…speaking of which I should probably write all those posts I promised in the past, shouldn’t I? Whoops.

Another note – we won’t be doing the Monthly Wrap Up, TBR or Anticipated Reads this June, as it is a meme all three of us like to do together, and right now Lynette is quite busy, so we’ll miss it out for this month. Also we’ve been tagged for a whole bunch of tags and awards, so we’ll post them as well when Lynette’s back. 🙂

Anyways, tell me what you think of those covers. Are they nicer than the original? Do you have your own personal favourites? And also what do you think about the Cursed Child cast?


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Book Review + Exciting Cursed Child News

imageMiss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Series: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Genre: Fantasy, YA

Publisher: Quirk

Pages: 352

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Read if you like: Parallel universes, magical abilities, made-up creatures, different time zones

Goodreads Summary

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of curious photographs.

A horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive.

A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar children was an interesting read… I’m always quite cautious of over-hyped books, as they tend to let me down quite often, and if I’m honest, this wasn’t as amazing as some reviews make it out to be. Needless to say I’m glad I read it and I will definitely try out the sequel, however there is a lot of criticism I have…

I think the first thing I will have to address is of course the unique format of the book. Ransom Riggs, the author, is a collector of old photographs, so he naturally incorporated some of the snapshots he found through his story. They were really interesting – unlike any other book with illustrations or pictures in it. It wasn’t one of those books which have illustrations just to make it more appealing – these photographs actually had a part in the story, they played a role in the novel just as much as the words did.

Another thing which I was worried about before I started the book was the ‘scary’ aspect of the book. I hate horror books and movies, I can get creeped out really easily, and this cover did give across the message that this would be a slightly frightening book, what with the black and white imagery and the focus on a creepy girl floating. Looks can be deceiving – this really wasn’t a frightening book at all. Sure, the characters did have some abnormal, fantastical powers but they weren’t ‘scary’. If I’m honest, I’m not sure why they chose that cover. Sure, the girl in the centre is a character in the book, but she isn’t a particularly major character who plays a meaningful role in the story. So basically – don’t judge this book by it’s cover. It’s not a very good cover for this book, they don’t fit each other too well.

I’m going to talk about the characters now. I didn’t really like any of them, if I’m honest. They were kinda flat and stereotypical – I didn’t really feel much personality coming from them. If I was asked to describe a character, for example Jacob, then I wouldn’t really have much to say except for what is stated in the book itself – that he was brave and selfless. But that’s what the author wants us to think of Jacob, and if I’m honest, I thought he was quite a weak character who relied more on others than himself. He came across as quite arrogant and self-pitying to me – being all whiney despite the fact that his parents were rich and provided pretty much everything to him. I just really didn’t like him. The only character who seemed moderately ‘okay’ was Emma, and even she wasn’t that great. She didn’t have too much personality either – other authors can make their characters so vivid and three-dimensional, which Ransom Riggs failed to deliver.

Another thing about the characters which I didn’t like was this – there were just too many! You know that feeling when an author introduces way too many characters all at once, and you struggle to know who is who? That’s exactly what happened here. And not only did you have to remember their names, but you also had to remember which person had which peculiar ability.

One thing that Ransom Riggs did manage to do well, which you don’t really find in YA books these days, was quite an advanced and sophisticated writing style. My friend, who reads classics more than any other genre, was complaining to me the other day about how YA books lack in any real writing ‘flair’. YA is my favourite genre, so of course I was quick to defend it, but I have to say I do agree with her a little. Some books have amazing plots and imaginative settings, yet the writing itself is quite simple and un-amazing. However, I really liked Ransom Riggs’ style – it was much more descriptive and detailed than most YA books, and that was something that kept me reading on.

The plot itself felt quite unplanned – everything seemed to just be written around a set of intriguing, old pictures – therefore making the plot quite random, if that makes any sense? And on top of that it was really slow. Nothing much happened in the first half of the book, except for Jacob discovering the Peculiar world. Only half way through the book did we learn about the hollowgasts and the wights, the ‘villains’ of the book, yet nothing much happened, except for the fact that Jacob learnt about them and their past, and saw some frightening pictures of them. So the real action of the story happened pretty late in the book, by which time I’m sure a lot of people probably just put the book down.

However when action DID happen, it was pretty good, and I liked it. I like the whole concept of hollowgasts and wights wanting to finish off what they started, with only some inexperienced 80-something-year old children to defeat them. It seems like one of those stories where the ‘good’ side is bound to lose, when all of a sudden the author will pull something out of the hat and shock all the readers. Considering what happened so far in the book, and how slow it was, something REALLY amazing needs to happen in order to shock me as a reader, but I’ll wait and see, I’m intrigued to see the fate of the peculiars.

Finally before I finish I want to quickly talk about the romance in the book. There wasn’t really much in it – and if I’m honest the little romance there was didn’t really seem very necessary – it was kinda just ~there~. However, it was a very weird romance. Jacob, 16, falls in love with Emma, who is 88 (?). Okay, I get that Emma looks Jacob’s age on the outside but is that not really weird? And to top it all of, Emma fell in love with and dated Jacob’s own grandfather, which to me is just really weird. I don’t know, it just didn’t seem very necessary – and it’s not even like the romance added to the plot or anything, I’m sure things would have turned out just the same if Emma and Jacob were friends.

So that was a pretty negative review, but I did enjoy the book – I just found many, many flaws with it. I think I’ll give Hollow City a try, and if I don’t enjoy that, I’ll just drop the series.

Here’s the movie trailer for Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar children which is going to be directed by Tim Burton. It’s coming out some time September, and I think I will watch it whether I finish the series or not, because movie adaptations are always fun to be happy about (if they’re good) or annoyed at (if they are bad).

Cursed Child

On a happier note – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child have released the photos of the cast in character!!!! I am so, so excited!! Although I haven’t got tickets to see the play (Mia has 😡😡) I am still trying to convince my mum, and I’m sure there’ll be more performances after 2017 so it’s all okay.

But ahhhh the cast is perfect!! At first I was pretty annoyed at Harry’s casting – it just didn’t work for me. I like it though, now! You can actually tell that Jamie Parker is  Harry Potter – it works! Of course, Daniel Radcliffe will always be the true Harry, but this is good too!

Sam Clemmett, i.e Albus Severus is great too! I’m not sure if it’s how I imagined, but I like it!

However, I’m not sure if I really like Poppy Miller as Ginny…I mean, we know Ginny is a Quidditch player, but this Ginny looks more like a Molly Weasley kind, stay-at-home mum, nothing like the Ginny we know.

Also notice the new Hogwarts robes? What do you think?

One thing I’m really hoping I’ll get out of Cursed Child is for Scorose (Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley) to be canon. Draco and Hermione are one of my OTPs and J.K Rowling herself admitted that Draco loved Hermione. So if Dramione is never going to be canon, Scorose is the next best thing!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the review and my fangirling on Cursed Child! Comment below to tell me what you think about the book, and the cast of HP & the CC!!

– V

TMI vs. TID Tag

Hey guys! Today I’m gonna do a tag I saw on Clockwork Bibliophile‘s blog, called the TMI/TID tag. If you haven’t yet taken a look at Clockwork Bibliophile’s blog, you should – it’s amazing!

The TMI/TID tag was originally created by Samantha’s Books. It’s basically a tag comparing The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices. I love Cassie Clare, she’s one of my favourite authors, and personally, I think that TID is by far the best of her novels, so I’ll probably be a little bit biased in my choices…Anyways, let’s get on with the tag!

Oh, and spoilers for The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices ahead!


Favourite main character: Clary or Tessa?

Definitely Tessa! Tessa was by far better than Clary, I absolutely loved her character! Not sure about you, but I got the feeling that Clary was slightly arrogant and self-centered (which I guess is alright seeing as she did pretty much save the world) but I never got that from Tessa. Plus Tessa is a badass shapeshifting warlock so…

Favourite Herondale: Jace or Will?

This is a super easy question. I might have mentioned it before, I’m not sure, but I HATE Jace. He is just so, so annoying! I genuinely cannot fathom why everybody is obsessed with him…like why!! People want to meet Jace because they’re in love with him. I wanna meet Jace so I can punch him in the face. Okay, I’m not that violent but come on. Anyone else hate Jace? Or is it just me?

Plus Will is awesome, almost as awesome as Jem. He is sassy and sarcastic and just…well, plain amazing. Mia and Lynette have heard me say this lots, but come on, who DOESN’T love Will Herondale? You can’t read The Infernal Devices and not love Will!

Favourite love triangle: Clary/Simon/Jace or Will/Jem/Tessa?

Easy. Looks like TID scores once again – Herongraystairs it is! Will, Jem and Tessa are the cutest and they actually all accept each other loving Tessa (and one another) whereas with Simon, Jace and Clary it was initially just a jealousy war. Will doesn’t mind Jem loving Tessa (well he did, but he was understanding enough) and Jem doesn’t mind Will loving Tessa.

On the topic of ships, shoutout to Malec, the cutest couple in all of Cassie Clare’s books! Malec are OTP goals.

Better villain: Sebastian or the Magister?

At last! Finally something which I can say The Mortal Instruments is better at! Sebastian was so much more evil that the Magister could ever be – the way he planned all his attacks were so, so clever! I mean, you’d’ve have never suspected that Sebastian was initially working for Valentine, what with him loving Clary and living in Idris all his life.

Better army: The Dark Army or the Clockwork Army?

I’m gonna have to say the Dark Army for this one. Both the armies were equally as strong and powerful as the other, but I think the Dark Army were just a little bit more painful to defeat, seeing as they were humans, people’s loved ones converted into dark, morbid creatures by Sebastian. It would’ve been a little more hard for Clary to kill them knowing they didn’t mean to murder, knowing the pain she would cause to their loved ones.

Best first book: City of Bones or Clockwork Angel?

Clockwork Angel without doubt. I finished the book in less then a day, along with the rest of the Infernal Devices series. I remember my mum judging me for reading the book pretty much every second I was free. I liked the City of Bones too, I just think Clockwork Angel had more going on from Book 1, you fell in love with it quicker.

Best female sidekick: Cecily Herondale or Isabelle Lightwood?

I’m going to say Izzy for this one, mainly because we didn’t get to see Cecily all that much, so I don’t know how good a sidekick she’d be. However, if she was in the books more, than I have a feeling I’d pick her over Izzy.

Best setting: The New York Institute or the London Institute?

Well it depends, really. If you mean the book New York Institute, old and classic, then I’d go there, but if you mean the New York Institute we saw in the TV Series, Shadowhunters, modern and hi-tech, then I’d have to say the London Institute. But I hope it doesn’t rain as much in the Victorian times as it does in 2016 London.

Best last book: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Clockwork Princess definitely. Like Clockwork Angel I COULD NOT put this book down. I literally sped through it and gahh the epilogue. Don’t even get me started on the pain that epilogue inflicted on me. CoHF was good too, I just think I’m Team TID more than I am Team TMI. 🙂

Better final epilogue: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Oh look there’s a whole question dedicated to the epilogue! I didn’t even realise. Well, you know my answer already, the ending of Clockwork Princess was AMAZING. Which means it was the most beautiful part of The Infernal Devices, yet the tears, ugh the tears. Cassandra Clare is one cruel author. Even if Will did die of old age. It was still painful.

I can see Clockwork Princess right next to me on my bookshelf and I’m really tempted to reread the epilogue but I’m not sure if’s just too sad!


Okay so the final results are:

6.5 – 3.5

Looks like TID wins by 2.5 points! Just like I predicted. Like Shannon @ Clockwork Bibliophile said in her post, TID is definitely the superior series. It just had that much more feels in it, you know? But by the angel, I loved doing that tag! It was super fun! âž°

I’m not going to tag anyone specific seeing as I’m not sure who has read Cassie’s books and who hasn’t, so if you want to do this tag please feel free to do so! Just put your link down in the comments, as I’d love to read your post!!

Also – credits to Yukihime-San @ DeviantArt for the cover image!

– V

A-Z About Me Tag (Vibha)

I was kinda-tagged to do this by NerdyBirdy @ Daydreaming Books. It’s not really a bookish tag, but it seems really interesting anyways, so here goes!

A – Age: 13. Yes, I know, I’m really young…

B – Book I’m currently reading: I’m currently reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. It’s so awesome, which is good because I waited 2 years to read it, and it would be super annoying if it was a bad book 🙂

C – Chore you hate: I LOATHE folding clothes. It is one of the most horrendous chores to do, it drives me nuts.

D – Dessert you love: I love macarons/macaroons (not gonna debate the spelling rn 🙂 )! They are so delicious and sweet and creamy… amazing. My favourite flavour is probably pistachio. Other than macarons, I love anything chocolate-y – especially thick gooey dark chocolate cookies/cake.

E – Essential start your day item: Food, obviously.

F – Favourite author/book: My favourite author has been and probably always will be J.K Rowling. She is amazing. My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but apart from a Harry Potter book, I’d probably say Carry On by Rainbow Rowell.

G – Gold or silver: Silver, no doubt.

H – Height: I have no idea, and I’m too lazy to go and check. All I know is that I’m kinda tall for my age, and I’m usually taller than some adults who are kinda short/average.

I – Instruments you play: I’m probably the least musical person you’ll ever meet. I like LISTENING to music, but I just cannot play music. In fact, sometime last week was our school music exams, and it took me around 2 hours to just memorise what a time signature was. I’m such a fail at music 😂.

J – Job title: I’m a student, I guess?

K – Kids: Once again, I’m 13 :).

L – Living Arrangements: With my family.

M – Most overused word/phrase in your vocabulary: ‘Like’. I say like, for like, everything. I should really stop saying it though.

N – Nicknames: Way too many to list.

O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: None that I can remember, no (which is good.).

P – Pet peeve: People chewing loudly, or slurping. Oh my god…the sound *shivers*.

Q – Quotes I Like: I have loads of quotes I love. I’m obsessed with quotes. I have 50 quotes on my colourful-weird-post it note-mural-thing by my desk, and a much nicer looking quote mural on my wall, consisting of quotes from my favourite books – (Harry Potter, The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments, Fangirl, Carry On, The Lunar Chronicles, TFIOS and Heroes of Olympus – plus Throne of Glass even though I haven’t read it yet, but it was a nice quote and it sounds like a book I’d like so oh well.) Anyways, I couldn’t pick a favourite quote so I just picked a random quote from my post it note wall thing:

‘I’m the kind of girl who fantasizes about being trapped in the library overnight.’ Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell

R – Right or left handed: I’m left handed. Mwahahaha like Satan. But it’s weird, because I’m left handed for pretty much only eating and writing – I use my right hand for everything else. Is that weird?

S – Siblings: I have a little sister.

T – Time you woke up today: 8:00?

U – Unique thing about you: Is this some sort of interesting fact about you kinda thing? If so, then…I share a birthday with my mum.

V – Vegetable you love: I love mushrooms. And sun-dried tomatoes. And cucumbers.

W – Worst habit: I fiddle with my hair a lot to, and I do this weird knee-bouncing thing subconciously, which really gets to Lynette. 🙂

X – X-rays you’ve had: To my knowledge, none. Although I may have had one when I was younger.

Y – Yummy food you make: Well I don’t have to cook much yet, but when I do I mostly make pasta (which I hope is yummy).

Z – Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Hope you enjoyed that!! I’m going to tag five people – sorry if you’ve been tagged to do this before and also don’t feel obliged to accept the tag!

Advikha Blog
Jolien @ The Fictional Reader
Demi97 @ Books Traveller
Demmi Writist @ Wordsandlyricss
Eabetweenthecovers @ Welcome to my madness

Also, sorry we haven’t been posting much recently! We’ve had lots of exams and revision going on, but they’ll all be over by the end of this week, so we’ll be back to posting in no time!

Thanks, hope you enjoyed the tag!!

– V